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Fanfiction Testpage

walked into the room to find on the bed with piles of colored paper scattered around him.
"What are you doing?"
smiled and picked up a paper crane. "I heard that if I made 1,000 of these I could make any wish come true. told me."
smiled and picked up a piece of paper. "I'll help you."
Thirteen hours and fifty-two minutes later and sat side by side admiring their work.
tilted his head and looked at .
", what exactly did you want to wish for?"
smiled before replying, " told me that I should wish for something out of this world to test if it really works."
laughed and replied. "So what exactly is you out-of-the-world wish?"
smirked and placed his hands together, praying, "I wish for a pregnant ."
swore the next time he saw , would die.

The End
